Laboratory Services

Nanotech Solutions

NTSOL offers Laboratory Services including Magnetometry and calorimetry analysis of your samples. Moreover, we also design and develop instrumentation for your applications

Laboratory service

Available field conditions in Laboratory Services

AC Magnetometry: frequency values up to 350 kHz and field intensity ones up to 24 kA/m (in all frequency range, varying every 2 kA/m)

Low frequency AC Magnetometry: single frequency value (1 kHz)  and field intensity ones up to 150 kA/m (varying every 25 kA/m)

Sample analysis: magnetic characterization of magnetic colloids


If you are interested for the first time, we perform up to 5 measurements for free. Afterwards, we offer vouchers of 20,50 and 100 measurements for satisfying your further demands. Send us a email ( for quoting your voucher selection.

Upon receiving your samples, we will send in 10 days time the raw data and a report, including an analysis by our expert staff.

Please, send us an email ( to learn more about your needs and your samples in order to set the appropriate experimental conditions (concentration, and field conditions).

If you plan a large number of measurements, we have other practical solutions for your convenience. Please, contact us (  for further info.

Sample requirements

The magnetic colloidal dispersions must be highly stable.

we can measured samples in different formats: nanoparticle powder or dispersions in any liquid, gel, inside cells/ lyophilised tissues.

For standard magnetization, or calorimeter measurements, the magnetic nanoparticle concentration (i.e. magnetic elements) of the sample should range between 5 and 10 g/L.

Minimal sample volumen 100 microlitres

Design & development of instrumentation

We offer our developer experience in ac field generation and Magnetometry to find customised solutions to your research needs.

Do you need ac field generator with specific features? Do you want to transform your AC field generator into a calorimeter or Magnetometer?

Please, let us know. We may have a solution for you.

Development of instrumentation

Contact us!

12 + 4 =

DATA PROTECTION: In accordance with data protection regulations, we provide , you with the following processing information:
Data controller: Nanotech Solutions SL
Processing purposes: keeping a professional relationship and sending communications of products or services
Related rights: access, rectification, portability, erasure, limitation and objection. More processing information:

Nanotech Solutions S.L.


Calle Miguel de Unamuno, 2   3ºB

40150 Villacastín (Spain)

Call us

Phone: +34 609 41 18 12

Headquarters: +34 921 12 48 60


Foloow us:

Nanotech Solutions S.L.

Carretera Madrid 23
40150 Villacastín

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