
Nanotech Solutions is part of STRIKE consortium


Providing instrumentation for exploiting nanomagnetics


We design, develop, manufacture and commercialise advanced instruments for probing magnetic properties of magnetic nanomaterials, paying especial attention to their interest in energy, security, biomedical and biotechnological applications





Sales and Renting

Laboratory Service

Why AC HYSTER™️ Magnetometers are interesting for industry and/or academia?


AC HYSTER™️ Series are unique instrumentation designed to accurately characterise and effectively exploit the magnetic properties of nanomaterials.


The flexible configuration, friendly-use Manyetic™ interface, high reliability and reproducibility of AC HYSTER™️ Series offer the best option to your particular challenge.


AC HYSTER™️ Series provide effective solutions for exploiting different applications of magnetic nanomaterials from material science to nanomedicine.


In few minutes, AC Hyster™️ Magnetometers perform magnetization measurements under AC/DC magnetic fields with outstanding accuracy and reliability.

AC Hyster™️ Series are bench top and can be plugged to the mains to operate by the friendly-use interface Manyetic™ that offers distinct measurement modes and a simultaneous analysis of magnetization curves.

Few configuration options of AC Hyster™️ Series can be customised.

AC Hyster™️ Series combine AC magnetization and harmonics, and heat losses characterization, which renders our instrumentation highly cost effective.

The configuration among the distinct available options does not require expensive investment.

AC Hyster™️ Series are offered for sale or renting, allowing customers to satisfy their needings according to their funding capabilities.


AC Hyster™️ Series offer an unique characterization technique to probe magnetic properties of magnetic nanomaterials dispersed in any liquid media, gels or inside biological matrices.

We have designed AC Hyster™️ Series in a flexible way to supply different options in order to satisfy user’s requirements.

Different options related to sample volumes, field conditions, or distinct measurement modes can be configurated.


AC GEN Series is a practical, very robust and reliable instrument for measuring in vivo magnetic hyperthermia. This equipment really makes things simple!

- Daniel Jaque

AC Hyster™️ Series is a practical and reliable instrument for characterizing dynamical properties of magnetic nanomaterials in suspension. Few seconds are enough to get data on the magnetic behavior on your sample, which is ideal for quality control.

- Puerto Morales

AC Hyster™️ is easy to use, easy to install and easy to get reliable results from. With minimal sample volume requirements, it is the kind of benchtop instrument every laboratory should own for a quick sample check and quality control. Just start the measure… and your results are just few seconds away!

- Daniel Ortega

AC Hyster™️ Series is a practical and reliable instrument to monitor the magnetic behaviour of magnetic nanoparticles in cells and tissues. After sample preparation, only few seconds are required to obtain all data I need for my research.

- David Cabrera





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Nanotech Solutions S.L.


Calle Miguel de Unamuno, 2   3ºB

40150 Villacastín (Spain)

Call us

Phone: +34 609 41 18 12

Headquarters: +34 921 12 48 60


Foloow us:

Nanotech Solutions S.L.

Carretera Madrid 23
40150 Villacastín

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